• auto backup    相關企業商業資訊
    1. STYNAMIQ Co. Ltd

      時代技研 為國內交通零配件 改裝配件 設計開發製造專業廠 Auto parts design 汽車零件設計開發Auto tuning parts development 汽車改裝零件設計開發Local and International sale

      電話:03-4772895    地址:桃園縣新屋鄉九斗村 5 鄰 47-9 號
    2. 弘普自動化科技有限公司


      電話:06-2041356    地址:台南市永康區永康工業區經華路15號
    3. 民德科技股份有限公司

      ... can satisfy customer, Perfect factory management and cost control are the backup of what we quote, Experienced logistical customer service team is our promise for precise delivery. 榮耀事蹟: Sony GP approval source , NEC, 國內外知名大廠合格供應商

      電話:03-3704144    地址:桃園縣桃園市國強13街28號
    4. 開丕股份有限公司

      ...c. has been established for 29 years and has been engaged in manufacturing auto bulbs of various different models. It is a specialized auto-bulbs firm with ISO 9001 Certification and supplies "ROHS" qualified bulbs. Many of our products have won E-Mark and DOT certification. Our sales channel includ...

      電話:03-5933636    地址:新竹縣芎林鄉富林路一段200號
    5. 聯暘電子(股)公司

      ...規劃。除專精於RFID外,於廣度上,聯暘不斷引進各種新式的Auto ID技術,舉凡各式生物識別及各種新式電子識別等都將是聯暘全力著墨的市場。Auto ID盡在聯暘! 聯暘以盡地球村的良好企業公民為職志,並以人性、環保、知識為公司的經...

      電話:02-85121456    地址:新北市三重區興德路123-7號11樓

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